Speech & Language Service in Schools
Speech and language difficulties can make it difficult for children to learn in school. The goal of school-based speech therapy is to support academic success. The following is a description of common communication difficulties. This information has been adapted from ASHA.org
Speech Sound Disorder: Difficulty saying sounds. May not speak clearly and be hard to understand.
Language and literacy: May have trouble with listening and speaking skills. May have difficulty understanding vocabulary, directions and stories. May have a hard time answering questions, expressing thoughts and retelling stories. Language problems can also make reading and writing harder.
Social communication: May have trouble talking with other children, difficulty making friends. May not understand what others think or how they feel.
Cognitive communication: May have difficulty with thinking skills for remembering, solving problems, and using imagination.
Stuttering: May have trouble speaking smoothly. May repeat sounds or words or have long pauses in output. Stuttering can make it hard to answer questions or give speeches in class. It can also make it hard to talk to friends.
Voice: May sound hoarse or lose voice. Voice problems can make it hard to talk in class or with friends.