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Grades 6-8


Norwell Middle School Social Health Programming

Norwell Middle School offers comprehensive counseling and support programming which includes numerous social and emotional programs, curriculum and services. The implementation of these lessons, assemblies, facilitated discussions, small group instruction and programs are collectively known as our “Social Health Curriculum.” Themes such as bullying, health and wellness, internet safety, stress management, empathy development, social skills, and career exploration are presented at developmentally appropriate access points.

Counselors at the Middle School also oversee the Norwell Tiered Systems of Support (NTSS) Social Emotional Screening to identify students who may benefit from additional support structures and learning opportunities. This screening is done for all students each November. Counseling staff and administrators review the the results of the teacher screening and communicate with families of students who have been identified by the screening scale. Students are invited to participate in short term, skill building groups which focus on a variety of topics including anxiety management, relationship building, assertiveness and self regulation.


In addition to social, emotional, behavioral and academic support offered by the counselors individually, in small group and in classrooms, Norwell Middle School offers a variety of programs which are aimed at addressing developmentally appropriate social and emotional skill development. The Great Body Shop, Second Step, Coping Cat, and Calm Classroom are schoolwide curriculum resources that are used by the Counselors, the Health teacher, the Family Consumer Science teacher and classroom teachers.  In addition, Norwell Middle School offers a variety of assemblies which address developmentally appropriate topics for our students (i.e. personal safety issues, internet and social media safety, personal motivation, diversity and understanding differences, healthy relationships). These programs may vary depending on the identified needs of the students. In addition, our students participate in a Mini Team Program (advisory) throughout the year which aims to connect students with caring adults, to build a sense of community and also offers an opportunity for extended learning of topics addressed in assemblies.


  • Calm Classroom grades 6-8
  • Guidance Classes taught by Counselors to grade 6 students (topics include being a lifelong learner, growth vs. fixed mindset, critical thinking skills, communication and collaboration skills, healthy decisions and choices, refusal skills, respect, peer pressure, self esteem and self image, coping skills and emotions, sexual abuse and harassment). Currently reviewing curriculum and adjusting as needed.
  • Health Classes taught to grade 7 and 8 students (substance abuse, decision making, puberty etc.)
  • Family and Consumer Classes taught to grades 6-8 students (wellness, nutrition, making good choices etc.)
  • Counselors create Full Value Contracts with all grade 6 classes
  • Counselors teach Empathy Lesson to grade 7 students
  • Counselors teach Learning Style and Career Exploration with 8th grade students
  • Mini Team (Advisory) Program for grades 6-8. Counselors support this program. The Mini Team program is currently under review in order to continue to provide relevant lessons and activities for students.
  • Counselors offer Skill Building Groups for any interested students (topics include anxiety and coping skills, interpersonal skills, self regulation, focus and attention and general study skills).
  • Transition Activities for grades 5-6; 6-7 and 8-9 each spring and fall.
  • Assemblies and Programs that support the growth and development of middle school aged students. Follow up lessons and activities as well.
  • Exploring the potential of grade level meetings facilitated by Counselors, Administrators and Students.
  • Counselors facilitate Instructional Support Team (IST).

Short-Term work with individuals or Small Groups

  • NTSS screening and follow up including offering Skill Building groups for identified students
  • Social/emotional counseling/support
  • Mediation and conflict resolution
  • Harassment and Bullying complaints (investigation and resolution)
  • Mental Health referrals
  • Behavioral Intervention Plan development in conjunction with District Behaviorist
  • Lunch Groups to facilitate social skills
  • Academic/study skills/time management and organizational support
  • Consultation and collaboration with outside mental health services and organizations and with District Support Personnel (Social Worker, Behaviorist etc.)

Parent Programs

  • Parent Evening for incoming grade 6 parents
  • Puberty Night Planning and Coordination for grade 5 students and parents
  • Scheduling Night for 8th grade students and parents
  • Grade 7 Study Skills, Organization and Time Management Parent/Student
  • Various Offerings (i.e. Grief and Loss; Internet Safety; Introduction to Calm Classroom; Study Skills Support etc.)