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Child Find

The Norwell Public Schools, at least annually, reaches out to groups in the community who may be aware of students in need of special education and/ or related services. These groups include shelters servicing students eligible for support according to the McKinney Vento Education Act for Homeless Children, group homes, agencies, parental and community organizations, other private or public schools, early intervention and health care agencies.

Parents, who are concerned about their child's development, may contact the Special Education and Related Services Department at 781-659-8800 to request a screening or an evaluation as early as two and a half years old. All parents of two and three year olds receive this notification annually. All children are screened the first month of their Kindergarten year.

Local physicians, daycare providers and preschools in Norwell are encouraged to assist Norwell in finding eligible students. School districts must conduct child find activities to identify Norwell resident students whose parents have placed in a private school and who may have disabilities, including those students with special education needs placed in private schools out of state by their parents. In the fall notice is sent to all private schools, where Norwell students attend and in January another letter is sent to these schools.

The district conducts outreach with those groups below from which promotion or transfer of students in need of special education may be expected, or which would include students in need of special education:

  • Professionals in community
  • Private nursery schools
  • Day care facilities
  • Group homes
  • Parent organizations
  • Clinical /health care agencies
  • Early intervention programs
  • Private/parochial school

Other agencies/organizations

The school or schools that are part of the district, including Horace Mann charter schools agencies serving migrant and/or homeless persons pursuant to the McKinney-Vento Education Act for Homeless Students