Student Services
Suzan A. Theodorou
Director of Student Services
Phone: 781-659-8800
Fax: 781-659-8805
Lucy Jenkins
Administrative Assistant - Office of Instruction
The Norwell Public Schools is committed to an inclusive philosophy of education.
It is our firm belief that students with disabilities should be educated, to the maximum extent possible, with their typically developing peers. The district does not, independently, operate any substantially separate programs or classrooms. The Student Services and Related Services Department seeks to provide the necessary infrastructure to support all students' learning in our strong general education curriculum. This infrastructure includes committed school-based and district-wide leadership, democratic classrooms, supportive school cultures, responsive instruction, knowledgeable and accessible support staff, and an engaging and relevant curriculum.
The Director of Student Services ensures that the Norwell Public Schools implementation of the Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks is accessible to all students. The Norwell Public Schools has developed a comprehensive District Curriculum Accommodation Plan (DCAP) which is used uniformly across all grades and curriculum areas. Moreover, each Principal, in collaboration with the School Council, has developed building specific Curriculum Accommodation Plans in order to more specifically address grade levels and curriculum demands.
The Director of Student Services monitors the implementation of procedures to identify students eligible for special education and/or related services and to further provide these students with a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. The Director of Special Education also monitors the Collaborative and private school placements of students who are unable to be educated in the general education curriculum and classroom.
Parents are encouraged to participate in planning and evaluating programs and procedures through the Special Education Parent Advisory Council, which works collaboratively with the Director of Student Services to create and maintain high quality programs of excellence.
For more information regarding Student Services and/or related services, as well as the Parent Advisory Council, please click on a link to the left or contact the Student Services Office at 781-659-8800 x 1026.