Grace Farrar Cole Elementary School

Dedicated to excellence in education

Mission Statement

  • The mission of the Grace Farrar Cole School is to promote curiosity, creativity, and opportunities in learning as we strive for excellence. We will promote appreciation of individual learning styles, skills and talents to maximize learning and growth. We will treat all people with dignity, kindness and respect. We will foster intellectual curiosity and risk taking through creative problem solving.

  • For the 2024-2025 school year, Cole School is committed to purchasing as many school supplies for students as we can through the school budget. Unfortunately, we will not be able to purchase everything, but we should be able to put a pretty big dent in the class supply lists that families will be asked to purchase.

    Supplies Purchased by School
    thick markers
    thin markers
    colored pencils
    glue sticks

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Cole Traffic Flow

Cole Traffic Flow

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