Kindergarten Entrance-Age Waiver
Norwell School Committee Policy:
While it is understood that children mature at different rates, it is in the interest of the individual child and the entire class that children are developmentally ready for elementary education. To that end, the Norwell School Committee establishes the entrance age for children entering kindergarten as five years old before September 1 of that school year. The entrance age for grade one is six years old before September 1 of that school year.
Students who have not attended kindergarten and who are age six years old before September 1 will be assigned to grade one unless, in the sole judgment of the principal with the agreement of the parent, kindergarten is a more developmentally appropriate placement, or unless a previous arrangement has been agreed to by the principal and parent prior to the child reaching kindergarten age.
Transfer students who do not meet the minimum age requirements but who are, in the sole judgment of the principal, developmentally ready to enter kindergarten or grade one in Norwell may do so at the discretion of the principal.Such decisions may be reviewed by the Superintendent of Schools who has final authority for all admission and placement decisions.
ADOPTED: July 21, 1997
REVISED: January 10, 2000
EFFECTIVE DATE: September 1, 2000
Click HERE for a letter explaining the needed documents to make a formal request for an Exemption to the School Entrance Age Policy.
Click HERE for the Parent Form which is to be completed as apart of a formal request for an Exemption to the School Entrance Age Policy.