Bus transportation
Bus transportation is provided for all kindergarten students enrolled in full-day and half-day kindergarten. Bus routes will be created in August.
On the first day of school open house, kindergarten students each receive a bus tag. Bus tags contain the student’s name, home address, and mode of transportation to and from school (school bus, pick-up, etc.). Kindergarten students wear these on lanyards around their necks when traveling to and from school each day.
For kindergarten students who ride the bus, drop-offs at their stop will only be made after an adult known to the student can be physically seen by the bus driver. If visual contact is not made by the bus driver, the student will be returned to school.
You can find out more about transportation and bus routes at the Norwell Public Schools Student Transportation webpage.
Student drop-off and pick-up
If you drop your child off in the morning, you should drop him/her off at the curb or park in the lot and walk your child to the school lobby.
Please do not arrive before 8:45am.
For after-school pick-up at 3:20pm, please follow the specific procedures for your child’s school.
Cole School afternoon pick-up procedure
We ask that you send in a note if your child’s after-school transportation plans are going to be different from normal (i.e., your child takes the bus, but you are going to pick him/her up instead). If there is a last minute change, please call or email the office at your child’s school. Students who ride the bus may be dropped off with a friend if they are on the same bus, but are not permitted to take a different bus from the one they normally ride.