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School Sponsored Organizations
School Improvement Councils: The Education Reform Act of 1993 mandated that school councils be formed at every school.
A school council has a role in shaping the policies and programs of the schools. The school council is comprised of the principal,
teacher representatives, parent representatives, and a community representative, and at the secondary level, students.
These groups meet monthly to review school budgets, formulate school improvement plans, and advise the school principal.Special Education Parent Advisory Council: The Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a district-wide
organization of parents that supports the total special education community. The SEPAC members provide guidance and
assistance to parents, staff, the community and special needs students. Parents may contact the school or the Student Services
office for program information. Click Here for the SEPAC website
Booster OrganizationsNorwell High School Boosters: The Norwell High School Boosters is an association formed to advocate for the importance of athletics
for all students, build awareness in the community of the many competitions and events that occur for our student-athletes, and raise funds
through community volunteer involvement to support the athletic programs of Norwell Public Schools. For more information, please visit
the Norwell High School Boosters website.Parent Organizations
Parent-Teacher Organization: Our school has an active parent-teacher organization that provides support for programs
and educational and extracurricular activities that benefit all students at our school. The PTO provides grants to teachers for
classroom activities and to enhance curriculum. The PTO serves as a communication forum for parents, administration and staff.
The PTO holds monthly meetings and all parents are invited to attend. For more information contact the Principal’s office or consult
the school PTO web page for calendar and organization information.Community Organizations
Norwell Education Foundation (NEF): The Norwell Education Foundation (NEF) is a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to support
educational activities and programs that encourage academic excellence for all students in the Norwell Public Schools. Annually, NEF grants
are awarded to Norwell Public Schools educators on a competitive basis. Programs throughout the grade levels (PreK-12) have received
support from NEF. Visit the NEF websiteNorwell Arts: The Norwell Arts is a parent association formed to advocate for the importance of arts education for all students, build awareness in the community of the many arts performances and events that occur in our schools, and raise funds to support art, theatre, and music programs of the Norwell Public Schools. Norwell Arts Website