Late Night Bus Information

  • Late buses run every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday throughout the school year.  They pick students up at the middle school at 2:45 p.m. Only three buses (7,9, 11) run the late bus routes; therefore, students' late bus number is probably different from their regular bus number.  Keep in mind that late buses make fewer stops than the regular buses; therefore, students' bus stops will be different.

    BUS  7
    Start @NMS 2:45 - Left out of school: D/P Main St, end of Prospect St, Jacobs Lane, Right onto Washington. D/O along Washington St, Jacob’s Pond, Washington Park, Hall Drive, 405 Washington, Knollwood, Farrah Farmer, 239 Washington, Oak St.  If Queen Anne’s needed, drop off at Mobile Station.  D/O along Grove to Lincoln St.  Turn around at Lincoln. Go to Cole.  If needed, High Street towards Hanover, then Cole.

    BUS 9
    Start @NMS 2:45 - Right on Main.  Drop Off along Main St . Turn around at Neal Gate. Left on Cross St. Left on Old Oaken Bucket. Right on Summer St. If Laurelwood needed, Right on First Parish. Right on Summer.  Drop off Mt. Hope. Drop off Mt. Blue. Go to Vinal.

    BUS 12
    Start @NMS 2:45 - Left on Main. Left on South. Left on Pleasant. D/O Wildcat. Right on Circuit. Right on Pine. Right on River. D/O Common.  D/O Tiffany.  D/O Meadow Brook. Stay on River.  Right on Stetson D/O Barque Hill. D/O Till Rock. D/O Masthead. Right on River, dropping off at at intersections and along River St. Straight to Central St.    Go to Vinal.

    **Late bus route stops will vary depending on the numbers of students on the bus. In some cases, stops may be combined, when applicable, in order to get to the elementary schools in time for dismissal. 

Late Night Bus Number

  • Starts With
  • Contains