• Vinal School
    William Gould Vinal Elementary School
    102 Old Oaken Bucket Road
    Norwell, MA  02061
    Phone: (781) 659-8820
    Fax: (781) 659- 8812
    Welcome to Our School

    Serving students in pre-kindergarten through grade five, the Vinal School has an enrollment of approximately 520 students. Students are taught in heterogeneously grouped classes, and an interdisciplinary approach to learning is encouraged and supported by a district curriculum aligned with the Massachusetts state frameworks. Utilizing a combination of whole group and small group instruction, our English Language Arts program serves as the foundation for reading and writing instruction. In mathematics, students work with a wide variety of models and procedures to successfully solve problems in multiple ways. In addition, with support the support of a Reading, Literacy and Math Specialist at the K-5 level, student progress is consistently monitored in both English language arts and mathematics. The skills and content taught through our science program incorporate STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) concepts, and the social studies program is supported by an extensive collection of reference materials and resources. There are also weekly classes in art, music, and physical education, as well as small group and ensemble instrumental music instruction available in grades four and five. Various services are available for students found eligible for special education and for English language learners. Both elementary schools enjoy highly supportive parent groups, and all faculty and staff are committed to providing a challenging, safe, and supportive environment for each and every student.