Welcome to Norwell Middle School's Guidance Department

    Our Guidance staff is here to help students and families with the transition to the Middle School or a new grade level and to provide academic, social and emotional support throughout the year. This support is offered to students individually, in small groups and within the classroom. In addition to our work with students, we partner with parents, teachers and the community to foster the growth and well-being of our students. We look forward to working with all of the 6th-8th graders and encourage them to visit us in the Guidance office with any questions or concerns, or to just to stop by and say hi!

    Guidance Classes & Programs

    In addition to working with students individually and in small groups, we teach Guidance classes in the 6th grade. These classes provide us with the opportunity to work with all of the students as they learn very useful, developmentally appropriate information about important social health issues. The Great Body Shop curriculum, supplemented with additional lessons, covers topics such as: managing anger and anxiety, effective communication skills, learning for a lifetime, growth vs. fixed mindset, study skills and time management, personal safety including sexual harassment and sexual abuse, internet safety and cyberbullying, etc. 

    In addition, we have partnered with our School Resource Officer, Rick Phelps of the Norwell Police Department.  He educates students on topics including the consequences of risk-taking, drug and alcohol abuse, smoking, and more.   

    Throughout the year, students have a chance to attend very informative presentations on topics like bullying, cyber bullying, online safety, respectful community, reaching your potential and being a good person, etc.

    As always, please feel free to contact the Guidance office with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to partnering with you as we work together to support our students!


Planting a Spring Garden

  • Plant three rows of peas:
       Peace of mind
       Peace of heart
       Peace of soul.
    Plant four rows of squash:
       Squash gossip
       Squash indifference
       Squash grumbling
       Squash selfishness.
    Plant four rows of lettuce:
       Lettuce be kind
       Lettuce be forgiving
       Lettuce be humble
       Lettuce be faithful.
    No garden should be without turnips:
       Turnip to help each other
       Turnip for our responsibilities
       Turnip the music and dance.
    To flourish and grow, there must also be thyme:
       Thyme for fun
       Thyme for rest
       Thyme for ourselves.
    Water freely with patience and cultivate tenderly with love.
    (Author anonymous)