
    SMML math team

    The math team competes in the Southestern Massachusetts Mathematics League. Other teams in our division are Cohasset, Hingham, Notre Dame Academy, Scituate, and Weymouth. Every year there are four division meets, playoffs, and the state meet if you qualify. Teams are given the topics ahead of time and have a month to prepare for each meet. There are practice sessions every Thursday from 2:40-3:20pm.  Practices are every Wednesday and league meets are the first Thursday of every month from November through February, with playoffs occurring in March.
    Meets consist of six rounds: arithmetic, algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and advanced topics, as well as the team round. Each school is represented by 10 students split into two teams of five. Each student must compete in three rounds and each school must enter six students per round. When not competing, students eat pizza and socialize. At the conclusion of the meet winners and high scorers are announced.
    Norwell's "Infinitely Radical" team has placed in the top three in our division consistently, moving on to playoffs many years. Several of our students have been among the highest scorers in the league.
    New members are always welcome. Stop by Mrs. Cortright's room for more information.
    A special thank you to the Norwell Education Foundation for their generous support!!!