- Norwell High School
- About Best Buddies
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Best Buddies
Page Navigation
- About Best Buddies
- Apple Picking 10/2/16 Photo Album
- Pumpkin Painting 2016
- Halloween Fun 2016
- Milton 5k Gobbler 11/19/16
- Holiday Party 12/20/16
- Valentine's Day Party 2017
- Best Buddies Plymouth Friendship Walk 9/23/17
- Pumpkin Painting 2017
- Holiday Card Making 2017
- Pumpkin Painting 2018
- Holiday Card Making for the Norwell Council on Aging
Welcome to Best BuddiesAdvisors: Ms. Kelly O'Keefe & Mrs. Erin Carney
Best Buddies in an international organization created to establish a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Who can join?Any high school student in good standing (see Student/Parent Handbook for definition of good standing)Is there a fee to participate?$20 activity fee is required.What is the time commitment?One to two meetings per month and some weekday/weekend activities and events2021-2022Meetings will usually take place in the Art Room on scheduled Tuesdays. There will be signs and announcements to let you know of our dates. Please see notes below on required forms and website registration.Forms and Website:
Every student must complete the required activities/hazing form and turn it in to one of the advisors to participate in the club. Students must also submit a $20 activities fee. Please submit payment to Ms. O'Keefe or Mrs. Carney (checks should be made out to NHS).
Finally, all students who participate in Best Buddies at the high school level must register with our chapter of Best Buddies Online. Go to https://bestbuddies.org/join and select the tab that says Membership Application to get started!Follow Us on Instagram!@norwellhs_bestbuddiesFaculty Advisors:Kelly O'Keefe, S-206B