
AP Computer Science Principles

  • Hello Future AP CS Students, 


    My name is Mr. Hamilton and I will be your Computer Science teacher next year. I am looking forward to a great year and I am very happy that you signed up. 


    Students who have not taken the Introduction to Computer Science course need to complete the following summer work:


    Go to the projectstem website and sign up for the summer class using the access code

    access code: 9FDABC


    Complete the assignments in first 3 chapters in the Project Stem curriculum. This will teach you the very basics of coding in Python such as coding print statements, doing basic computation, and creating if-then statements. If you have the time, starting this before the end of the school year will be helpful because you can see me for support, but the videos and slides should be sufficient. 


    All things you do get submitted to me through the platform, so don't worry about submitting anything else. 


    Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

    Mr. Hamilton