- Norwell High School
- Counseling Services
Program of Studies
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Counseling services to help in educational, vocational, and personal matters are available to all students and parents. Students are assigned to the same counselor for four years. Both group and personal conferences are arranged in an attempt to meet student’s needs. Meetings may be designed to discuss student interests, abilities, course selection, educational/vocational opportunities, or personal/social concerns. Students are encouraged to see their counselor whenever the need arises.
The Guidance Counseling Department provides information, services, and materials for students and parents on topics such as SAT and ACT testing, college, careers and employment, financial aid, scholarships, and the armed services. Counselors also coordinate college fairs and the local scholarship program.
Evening programs are conducted for the convenience of parents on topics related to the transition to Norwell High School and the college search and application process and other adolescent issues. Parents are welcome to make phone or e-mail inquiries or to arrange for individual consultation. The Guidance Counseling Department telephone number is 659-8806 or 659-8807.
A Parent Advisory Group works with staff to help identify and meet needs within the Norwell High School community. If you are interested in participating, please contact Ms. Greene at your convenience.
Staff: Brenda Barrientos e-mail brenda.barrientos@norwellschools.org phone: 781-659-8806
Meaghan Dempster e-mail meaghan.dempster@norwellschools.org phone: 781-659-8806
Amy Greene e-mail amy.greene@norwellschools.org phone: 781-659-8806
Rebecca Prescott e-mail rebecca.prescott@norwellschools.org phone: 781-659-8806