                                               Norwell Special Education Parents Advisory Committee Website
    The one thing we have in common is that we are all different...
    The Norwell Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) advocates for children with disabilities in our schools. The SEPAC also strives to provide information and support to the parents of those children. The SEPAC is an autonomous parent organization which collaborates with administrators and educators in our schools and functions in an advisory role relative to special education issues.

    The SEPAC needs the support and participation of parents in order to remain viable. A facebook page is in the works; in the meantime, please contact us at thenorwellsepac@gmail.com.

    Cole Elementary School Contacts

    Alethea Wait   wait@aletheawait.com

    Vinal Elementary School Contact
     Katie Perniola katiegerrior@hotmail.com


    Norwell Middle School Contact
    Danielle Green    daniellemariegreen@gmail.com


    Norwell High School Contact
    Karin Raymond  klacha74@comcast.net


    Community Representative 

    Lucy Silva wallacel98@yahoo.com

    Carol Donovan  decs111@yahoo.com

    Questions?  Concerns?  Suggestions?
    Email : suzan.theodorou@norwellschools.org