• Dear Students & Parents,

    Norwell High School’s curriculum is driven by our core values statement and by our collective commitment to ensure that every student is able to meet our program requirements and expectations for student learning. We believe that our students’ academic experience challenges each student to think and grow intellectually, socially, academically and practically, and that our graduates are well-prepared for higher education and their roles as citizens within our democratic society. The course selection process is in large part determined by students’ performance within their current courses. Students and teachers’ recommendations according to course prerequisites will be available for parents to view and edit in ASPEN. Course prerequisites are uniform throughout our departments, and will be applied to all courses in grades 9 – 12. If you have questions or concerns, please contact our school counselors or administrators. We always welcome your input and inquiries, and will do everything we can to craft the best program for each student.


    Marc Bender, Principal marc.bender@norwellschools.org

    Matthew Marani, Assistant Principal matthew.marani@norwellschools.org

    Jennifer Greenberg, Assistant Principal jennifer.greenberg@norwellschools.org

    Brenda Barrientos, Guidance Counselor brenda.barrientos@norwellschools.org

    Meaghan Dempster, Guidance Counselor meaghan.dempster@norwellschools.org

    Amy Greene, Guidance Counselor amy.greene@norwellschools.org

    Rebecca Prescott, Guidance Counselor rebecca.prescott@norwellschools.org