Student Parking

  • Student parking at Norwell High School is by permit only. Students that wish to park at NHS must complete all steps outlined below starting with the 2024-25 Student Parking Survey online form (Norwell Student Google Account is required to access) and then provide payment and the required paperwork (outlined below) when purchasing a permit in the main office.  

    Students must also follow all rules of the road and the safe driving procedures of Norwell High School. All policies are outlined on the Student Parking Registration & Contract. Violations of these policies can result in loss of parking privileges and disciplinary consequences in accordance with the NHS Student-Parent Handbook. Thank you for your continued cooperation in making parking at NHS both safer and easier.

    Obtaining Student Parking at Norwell High:

    1. Complete the online parking survey - 2024-25 Student Parking Survey (student login required)
    2. The student must submit a Student Parking Registration & Contract in order to purchase a parking permit. You may download the contract or obtain a paper copy in the main office.
    3. When purchasing a parking permit students will provide 
      • Completed contract
      • Copy of the student’s valid driver’s license
      • Copy of the vehicle registration 
      • Payment or online payment receipt
    4. The student will receive a parking permit from an office staff member to display on the car’s rear view mirror whenever the car is parked on campus.

    Students Parking at Norwell High School Must:

    1. Have a valid parking permit.
    2. Follow all rules outlined in the handbook and in the student parking registration/contract.
    3. Whenever the car is parked on campus, display the permit on the car’s rear view mirror facing out.